Digitization of manufacturing and feedback processes in SAP with status C operate:IT

Simple and digital recording of production-relevant information — such as times, quantities, products and work steps — in real time and always up-to-date. Increase safety by eliminating paper and minimizing errors.

A milestone for digitization of your production processes and integrated control of your production logistics.

Stacks of paper, incorrect feedback, and slowed-down processes in production — all this robs you and your team of valuable time and resources. With status c operate:IT, a status c Standard from Connected Manufacturing, we revolutionize your production processes, creating transparency, efficiency and sustainability.

With status c operate:IT, data from production — such as times, confirmations, serial numbers, and material requirements — are digitally recorded and processed. This eliminates the need for paper in manufacturing, resulting in fewer errors, lower costs, and more sustainable production.

Timely information capture and direct integration with SAP improves transparency in process control and monitoring. This enables more reliable planning and facilitates faster error detection and correction. Your employees can use status c operate:IT intuitively and without IT expert knowledge, speeding processes and optimizing your resources.

With digital production processes and networked production logistics, you can increase your company's efficiency while contributing to sustainability.

Benefit from our expertise and watch as status c operate:IT works its magic.

Short and simple

Improved sustainability

Increased efficiency

Direct integration with SAP

Intuitive operation

Product benefits

  • Easy installation and configuration thanks to plug & play integration

  • Intuitive operation: Quick to learn, no expert required

  • Direct integration with SAP: No third-party system required

  • Integration of production control and production logistics

Your benefits

  • Digitalization of production processes: directly integrated into SAP

  • Conservation of resources: Saves time and reduces costs

  • Sustainability: Paper savings for environmentally friendly production

  • Transparency and security: Faster error detection and correction, easier traceability

Would you like to see status C operate:IT in action?

Efficiency through connectivity in the Connected Manufacturing

status c operate:IT is fully integrated into Connected Manufacturing, enabling seamless collaboration with other status.c products. Thanks to the unified technical foundation across all status c Standards, additional products can be implemented quickly and cost-efficiently. Further, because all status c Standards interlock and communicate, they create seamless, digitized, and automated processes in your warehouse and production. It’s time to level-up your warehouse and production logistics — with status c Standards.

Interested? Contact us!